Page 6 - Delta Living Magazine_April2014

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April – June 2014
Conrad Borba - Graphic Designer
Conrad Borba is a graphic and web designer, who
spent much time in his youth drawing and creat-
ing, with his earliest memories of working on a
computer as a kindergartner. He studied graphic
and web design at Modesto Junior College and
the Institute of Technology of Modesto. With over
10 years experience in graphic design and six
years as a freelancer, Borba stays abreast indus-
try standards in order to provide his clients with
fresh and new ideas. Reach him at conradborba@
Walter Ruehlig - Writer
Walter Ruehlig graduated cum laude with a de-
gree in English from the State University of New
York at Albany and career counsels adults with
disabilities. He’s the former President of the An-
tioch School Board, founded the Antioch Music
Foundation, and is the 2012 Antioch Citizen of
the Year-Lifetime Achievement award recipient.
He regularly contributes to three local newspa-
pers. Email him at
Maria Tavares - Editor/Photographer/Writer
Maria Tavares is a writer, editor, photographer,
full-time mother and wife. She is grateful to
be Delta Living Magazine’s newest editor. She
is also the owner of FiestaFlix Photography
and a Party Host for a local girl’s boutique in
Brentwood: Little Miss Everything. See her work
at Read
her blog, “Life Through the Lens” at FiestaFlix.
Dr. Danielle Dowling ~ Writer/Life Coach
Dr. Danielle Dowling is a life coach and psycholo-
gist. She’s an intuitive strategist working with
women who are ready to stop compromising on
the things that matter most — self-realization,
soulful companionship and accessing innate
power. Her goal is to motivate women to live in-
spiring lives; to help them experience a life bet-
ter lived and to help women achieve their dreams
whatever they may be. Connect with Danielle at
Doris Hobbs ~ Fashion Writer
Inspired by an era gone by, Doris brings her clas-
sic and timeless sense of style to the pages of
Delta Living Magazine
. “The Working Girl feature
is for the average woman seeking to refine her
appearance with a vintage flair,” says the Bay
Area fashion blogger and writer. In addition to
Delta Living Magazine
, she writes for both Simon
Malls as a featured Style Setter and her personal
blog at
Chef Mark Anthony ~ Culinary World
Traveler™ and writer
Personality blends the style and culture of the
many places I’ve worked and lived, from San
Francisco and Santa Fe, to Paris France and
Cape Town South Africa. I’m an eclectic one
who doesn’t have any one particular style,
rather a strong foundational love of food and
the vast cultures behind them. Follow on twitter
Jennifer Cordero ~ Photographer
Jennifer Cordero’s photography can be found
in the Delta Smilz section where she captures
the smilz of local residents enjoying life in East
Contra Costa County. Discovery Bay is where
she feels extremely fortunate to raise her fam-
ily. Whether it’s traveling to see exciting new
things, cooking to taste new foods, or just plain
relaxing, she’s always looking for something
fun to do and photograph. E-mail her at
Emily Wesolek - Writer
Emily Wesolek has always had a passion for
making people feel great. A licensed cosmetolo-
gist since 2009, Emily works as a hairstylist at
the JCPenney Salon in Antioch. Also a Certified
Cosmetology Instructor, she’s worked at Paris
Beauty College. She’s always willing and ea-
ger to learn new beauty techniques. Since she
was young, she’s always had a desire to be-
come a writer. Send your beauty questions to
De l ta L i v i ng Magaz i ne V i s i on
Delta Living Magazine
is an artery of hyper local and regional features, which shares information
to promote improved lives to our families. It speci cally focuses on inspiring,motivating, educating
and entertaining our community to reach a bit higher in creating their ideal lives.