Page 30 - Delta Living Magazine_october2012

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ud of our work to identify $166 million
road improvements - creating 2,700 new
oving our economy and creating jobs need to be a top priority at the
If elected to serve you, I will continue to work diligently to create
r citizens back to work ... even if it’s one job at a time.
Jim Frazier is Proudly
“As your Assembly
representative, I will
continue to work hard to
create jobs that put our
citizens back to work.”
I am proud of our work to identify $166 million
for local road improvements - creating 2,700 new
Improving our economy and creating jobs need to be a top priority at the
State Capitol. If elected to serve you, I will continue to work diligently to create
jobs to put our citizens back to work ... even if it’s one job at a time.
Jim Frazier is Proudly Endorsed by ...
“As your Assembly
representative, I will
continue to work hard to
create jobs that put our
citizens back t work.”
State Assembly
I am proud of our work to identify $166 million
for local road improvements - creating 2,700 new
Improving ur economy and creating jobs need to be a top priority at the
State Capitol. If elected to s rve you, I will continue to work diligently to create
jobs to put our citizens back to work ... even if it’s one job at a time.
Jim F
“As your Assembly
representative, I will
continue to work hard to
create jobs that put our
citizens back to work.”
,700 new
priority at the
ly to create
Jim Frazier is Proudly Endorsed by ...
rd to
State Assembly